- 127 Paterson Avenue Wallington, NJ 07057
- Tel: (973) 778-7405 Fax: (973) 815-0175
- Email: mostsacredheart@verizon.net
Pastoral Staff
The Priests working in parish:
Very Rev. Canon Felix R. Marciniak - Pastor
Rev. Steven D. D'Andrea - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Luke A. Edelen, OSB - Weekend Assistant
Deacons: Dk. Domenick DiBernardo, Dk. Krzysztof Pawlik
Religious Sisters:
Sr. Lisa DiSabatino (Felician Sister) Pastoral Associate
Organist: Jarek Kaczyński
Pastoral Council President: Carol A. Kosior
Parish Trustees: Joseph C. Smith, Carol A. Puzio
Polish School
The main goal of our Polish School. St. Stanislaus Kostka Walllington is implanting and developing in our students the spirit of Polish culture by learning the Polish language, history and geography of Polish and cultivate Polish traditions and customs.
AThe main goal of our Polish School of St. Stanisław Kostka in Wallington, is to instill and develop the Polish spirit in our students by learning the Polish language, history and geography of Poland and cultivating Polish traditions and customs.
By awakening students' interest in the homeland of their parents and grandparents, we spark in them love and a sense of belonging to Poland. In this way, with greater enthusiasm and joy, they assimilate the Polish language and knowledge about this country, distant to them. Our students are proud of their Polishness! The school's activity is not limited to teaching.
Our students also have the opportunity to get to know Poland and its culture and traditions through various school celebrations woven into lessons, e.g. patriotic academies, St. Andrew's Day, Nativity Clubs, Easter customs, Mother's Day etc. We employ teachers with experience acquired both in Poland and the USA to work with children and young people. We operate under the patronage of the Catholic University of Lublin st. John Paul II.